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Topics - zwimmy

Introductions / hi guize
April 20, 2024 06:48 PM
hi im zwimmy this forum seems like a cool place to hang out and chat and make friends and have some laffs :^)
General / Sneaker Thread
September 23, 2016 06:23 PM


10. Nike Internationalist

9. Supra Bleeker

8. New Balance 1500

7. Reebok GL 6000

6. Adidas Superstar

5. Reedok Classic Leather

4. Nike Air Force 1 Mid

3. Supra Vaider

2. Nike Air Max 1

1. Nike Air Max 90
General / Starter Kit Thread
June 20, 2016 08:29 PM
Let's have some fun with this!

Do you envision a future where you're a cute cyborg girl with a cute cyborg girlfriend (with a dick maybe)? Do you want to kick the patriarchy in the balls with your cute, powerful, nanomachine-infused legs? Do you want to feel safe wearing a cute skirt wherever you please? Do you want to hack into government mainframes and turn their police-bots against them? Then this is thread for you!!

Together let's leave our flesh behind and evolve into something smarter, stronger, faster, and most importantly, cuter.
General / Woman of the year
December 31, 2015 09:26 PM
Who is it
General / wich tba wud u fuq?
November 28, 2015 05:21 AM
So, this is it.

The poll we've all been waiting for, but were too afraid to create.

Well, now I've done it.

You may choose up to 10 members, but try to keep it to 5 or lower.
(The 10 vote maximum is for the sluts. You know who you are.)

Names are in reverse alphabetical order for no particular reason.

Have fun.

EDIT: It has come to my attention that some members have been accidentally omitted from the initial list. It's been edited but I had to put them at the bottom. I'm sorry. ;__;
What will it be? When will it be? Where will it be?

W i l l    i t    b e    a t    a l l ?
Stop changing your damn name.

General / Kizunami birthday thread
November 11, 2015 06:06 AM
Happy birthday Kizu!!!!

(I'm gonna go sleep and then draw you something.)

General / The attractive thread
October 5, 2015 07:28 PM
Who else did you expect? ;^)
General / zwimmy can't sleep
September 23, 2015 08:04 AM
Entertainment / We Know The Devil
September 20, 2015 05:43 PM
We Know The Devil is a creepy little VN about three outcast kids; Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune, who are stuck in a lame Christian summer camp. On the last week before they go home, they need to spend the night in a creepy shack out in the woods and wait for the devil to appear.

It's very surreal and ominous and the music is really freaky and well made. Unlike most VNs, there's no player character, nor branching routes. It's easy to play through in one sitting, but there are four possible endings. There are no Game Over/You Lose style endings, each ending is an alternate completion of the story.

Entertainment / Splatoon
May 16, 2015 07:38 PM
Ok so a lotta people are hyped for this game cause it's got SQUID KIDS WITH SWAG that shoot paint at each other aka it's the best thing ever.
I don't have a Wii U but I might get one soon because I'm tired of dumb old shooters and I need something fresh and new.

Bad ass Japanese trailer: (for the love of christ don't watch the US one)

All you need to know bout the game:

Dat weird but catchy main theme: