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Messages - zwimmy

The Backalleys / Re: TBA Oekaki is open!
June 17, 2012 06:10 AM
I want to try it but I'm nervous because I really suck at drawing on the computer ;___;
General / Re: school's out
June 17, 2012 06:04 AM
school year:
-live in my own place in a cool city
-hang out with friends at college everyday
-draw and animate cartoons everyday

-live at my parents house in my shitty hometown
-most of my friends have moved away from here
-work at a poorly maintained, overcrowded grocery store

Um yeah, fuck summer.
Introductions / Re: hello friends
June 17, 2012 05:56 AM
Quote from: rtil on June 17, 2012 05:18 AM
i checked out your deviantart, i really like your stuff. welcome!
aw pshh you're too kind
I really need to post more art though

Quote from: rtil on June 17, 2012 05:19 AM
on another note, i recognize your dA avatar. :D
that zergling will be running as long as the internet lasts
Entertainment / Re: Wreck-It Ralph
June 17, 2012 04:36 AM
I can't believe they got the permission to use all these characters, I will def check this out
Introductions / hello friends
June 17, 2012 04:25 AM
Hello I am seannyj I live on the internet and make drawrings.