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Messages - nuac_

I remember trying to scum save in diablo 1 for the playstation
And utterly failing cuz I was playing the game so terribly wrong.
Final fantasy games are bad by design; earning stronger numbers doesn't make you a better player.
You can't get stronger numbers in D1 or D2; you just kinda play -- you cant grind or regrind the first 2 floors and magically get super strong; that implied design is very dumb and I regret 13 yo me thinking that hahahaha.

But yea I remember trying to fight King Leoric and dying a few thousand times, then giving up because my bow wouldnt repair properly. I was also obsessed with killing the butcher with "pushback" weapons -- this turned out to be dumb. The best part of Diablo 1 was being able to spam pots, and they took that out cuz it was too strong.
Sometimes you roll a game thts impossible to beat without some thinking; Like this one

00:52:00 - Acid spitting dogs out the ass.

If I didn't wipe my saves when I got hacked, I wouldve destroyed them by using path finding against them in one of the rooms.

I also hate games or rpgs that warrant chronic saving, but I'm willing to let it go for diablo 1
General / Re: worst song thread 1.0
January 14, 2025 06:57 AM
Quotedid... he made a website with his name? i can't type it without appearing.
Hahahahha apparently.
General / Re: worst song thread 1.0
January 14, 2025 04:44 AM
is this blackeyed peas DLC or was it just the song.
could you make sims as the black eyed peas
General / Re: music thread 2.1
January 13, 2025 05:24 AM
Theyre on newgrounds
Theyre from Toronto
The Gallery / Re: I made a thread!!!
January 9, 2025 10:17 PM
Another Cover
I feel obligated to tell everyone about this; it might be kept in a memo on the support page of distrokid but it was a surprise to me.

The minute you hit delete on one of your videos in DistroVID, it will instantly get deleted on all platforms
Like within 5 minutes

its a kill switch.

I have other problems navigating their service like wondering why other artist have been deleted or banned for misusing their services or uploading content storefronts dont want
(several variations of the same song; Sabrina carpenters single had 5+ versions though).

I worry a bit about what not to do, but hey.

Anyway here is the new vid. I sing in it. I think its alright.
The Gallery / Re: 2024 Covers and Originals
January 7, 2025 06:19 PM
Covers and Unfinished songs from last year.
Hopefully I will sing more this year
The Gallery / Re: I made a thread!!!
January 5, 2025 04:00 AM

I wrote a post on how to resize videos for youtube's widescreen.


"Current Height x 9 / 16 = "New Width"
There is more information on resizing it outside of swivel by using small code, but swivel seems to cover the majority of flash videos these days.

If I'm ever able to sing I plan on reuploading the majority of videos into widescreen in the new year.
General / Re: music thread 2.1
January 3, 2025 12:52 AM
General / Re: New Year Goals?
January 1, 2025 06:10 AM
I have a bunch planned for 2025, and im hoping I can pull it off.
Usually what gets in the way are those spontaneous moments of hearing a song and rushing to the laptop to put it down, then I lose about 2 hours and I feel like doing nothing else.

I'd like to change my habits and I still need a new fridge after it broke in april of last year; I've been too shy to ask cuz my small bachelor apartment is pretty disorganized, and im not sure if I need to remove a shelf in order for them to remove and bring in a new refridgerator.

If I do have any resolutions, I'd like to pull them off and not lose steam, especially because of an upset or a setback of somekind.

I dunno.

Last year had some upsets and setbacks but they were all virtual and things I could fix.
Here's hoping for a better year this time.
The Gallery / Re: I made a thread!!!
December 30, 2024 09:50 PM
I made a shorter version of Maybe one day for piano playing.
I will post it here at some point , I think it's quite nice.
General / Re: New Year Goals?
December 30, 2024 04:47 AM
Gonna try and fail to learn Deflemask/Tracker software
 :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:
General / Re: worst song thread 1.0
December 29, 2024 08:58 PM
QuoteNickelback - She Keeps Me Up (Audio)

his voice doesn't match all 70s "teh funk" going on
I always figured he was a screamer rocker guy.
General / Re: music thread 2.1
December 29, 2024 06:26 AM
Any TBA people on FFXIV? I can play journey to the stars from galaxy express 999
General / Re: Wanting to learn Flash
December 23, 2024 01:01 AM
I hope someone has a copy of flash v-cam.
It might not be difficult to reprogram again if its gone in the internet ether but who knows.
I thought it was just a 'smart movie clip' people rotated/panned/scaled to get the things they animated on stage into view

Quote from: Dr. DiegO on December 22, 2024 08:57 PMI'm gonna spare the details of how I managed to get it working to avoid trouble and get to the point.
--ActionScript Is the most attractive part of it. It could be great to know something.

Yarrr matey; if you still use Ruffle plugin, you should get a copy of Sothink Decompiler and go to
To see some pretty impressive flash demos to peak at proper optimized flash game code for some pretty impressive stuff. Although the code wont mean a whole lot; theyre just really good examples of what couldve been done in flash.

His tilebased game tutorial is gone, but he managed to make tilebased mario before whatsit had made "Super Mario Crossover"

I gotta ask tho like, There are a lot of gamemaking tools that have superseded flash; and none of these are going to work outside of ruffle on the web; A lot of people are going to tell you to try something newer, I've been told this too often. So whats the deal? You just really like flash huh???  B)
General / Re: OMA rulz -- music thread 2.1
December 23, 2024 12:23 AM
The Gallery / Re: I made a thread!!!
December 22, 2024 10:59 PM
they put like

An [E] for explicit

on one of my videos where the stick guy is smoking.

I thought that was pretty funny idk

I just assumed thats what they did; no one notified or emailed me or asked anything.
This distrokid stuff is very hands off and im still waiting for the credits to change on apple music to reflect who actually played guitar (not me) and drums (also not me).

There are other distributors like CDbaby but this whole new streaming music system is like, kinda weird.
The Gallery / Re: My art
December 22, 2024 10:34 PM
These aren't bad, they're pretty good
Quote from: Dr. DiegO on November 17, 2024 09:06 AMYou cannot view this attachment.
My tribute to my all time favorite game that's now 20 years old and Valve gave it a fresh new coat of paint.

I like this one
General / Re: Wanting to learn Flash
December 22, 2024 10:24 PM
I've never used CS6 on purpose; I don't hate it, I just never had a decent computer to use it on.


This guy rigs together what looks like the ugliest drawing of "the Flash" I've ever seen , but for puppet--symbol based animation, that is the general idea; you're trying to put together an ugly puppet with registration points for movement. Other methods are like frame by frame stuff. I think most people are familiar with both.
If you can draw, its just going to take a couple of extra steps to make those drawings move. There are books on libgen if you feel that compelled, but I think most ppl are used to this:

Just draw something and hit F8