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Topics - Dr. DiegO

General / Ma' Birthday
February 5, 2025 09:19 AM
Today is my birthday, mi cumpleaƱos. celebrating another day getting older. but at least I got gifts and cake.
General / Music Recomendations
January 23, 2025 05:23 PM
Alright, lately I'm expanding and organizing my music files on my large drive and I'm in the mood of getting more music and expanding my music hearing.

As a starting point with me: I'm the typical "every genre" with an asterisk (exceptions) but I pick something I listen very frequently might be: Rock and Metal, Rap, Electronica, funk, ska. might sounds like a lot, but again I'm a guy of varied tastes and If it sounds nice or at least is interesting, I'm listening.
General / New Year Goals?
December 29, 2024 06:02 PM
2025 is just around the corner. anyone here have new year goals? I have mines, but I would like to share and know yours. this might be a waste of time, because it's easy to say something than doing it and not exactly an interesting topic to debate, but hey! spending time on a Forum is fun!
General / Wanting to learn Flash
December 22, 2024 08:57 PM
Just at the start of this month, I managed get myself a copy of Adobe Flash Professional CS6 working in the year of our Lord 2024. I'm gonna spare the details of how I managed to get it working to avoid trouble and get to the point.

Here a picture of the thing running:

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Since the history of this site is related with Flash and it's users are familiarize with the software (Including the owner of this place) and I got a little bit of animation knowledge, not to the point of calling me an experienced one, but at least I know how to draw which is the basic minimum requirement. and as a proof I made a basic loop with some principles applied here. so I'm here to seek again for advice and knowledge In this place to make a silly Flash cartoon to get it blammed on Newgrounds.
Entertainment / Doom mapping
October 20, 2024 09:42 AM
Making a Doom map is ridiculously easy, just get Doom Builder, the base .wad file, and you have it. well, it's more than that very narrow description. because it's easy to compile a map, what's hard is to make a map that doesn't suck ass.

I myself made a Doom map months ago, while it's not functional I wanted to show it.

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While it looks very nice, I made the mistake of starting with an advance map format, being GZDoom UDMF Instead of vanilla or a Limit-Removing format like Boom. maybe in the future I will make a decent map, this time being more complete and not just a visual test.
Another of my threads here, another of my questions, but this time I'm seeking advice. I want to learn Web Development, to make my own website. It doesn't have any involvement with recent events on the web. it is something I wanted to do from time ago, having an own site to post my work and stuffs with more control and... I dunno, making the web experience less boring.

I know that making a website from scratch is not an easy task and I need to know how to do stuffs like: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, the tools and frameworks, the domain, the costs and maintenance. but I think, as an artist, having more control of your content and presentation makes it worthy. after all, that was the way artist used to post online before. they are still artist websites out there but mostly work like portfolios and nothing else, I like the more personal approach to express myself. sounds dramatic and corny, but in this times where everything looks and feels the same without much variation I want to choose something different.

What I'm looking here is some advice on where to begin and know where to find resources and knowledge and what are the options.
General / The return of SheezyArt
October 16, 2024 11:11 AM
You may know, you may don't, but SheezyArt is back since 2021 being now (at the time of posting this) on beta. I heard stories about this site, but I mostly know this because of Lost Media related stuffs but from what I heard is not particularly good. reason why it got shut down before.

But I want to know what you guys think about it?
General / Never buy a Xiaomi phone EVER
August 29, 2024 03:57 AM
That was my mistake, not worthy the specs and price at all. I got forced to hard reset my phone to get out of the loopboot I got for a bug in the updates loosing almost all my data in the process and the advertisement hell that are this fucking things. you got ads everytime when you install an app and get the phone's security check, ads on the menus and a integrated Clean Master style memory optimizer with ads included.

For the next year one of the things I'm gonna replace is definitely my phone. this thing is garbage, because it's not only the model of my phone it's all of them Including recent models. I'm not gonna touch this brand never again, not even with a stick.   
Hello there, whatever Is left from TBA. I came with another of my threads, this time, with a question. do you have a controversial opinion about videogames? can be one particular game and a genre or various. being Independent or Triple-A. 

I have one that guaranties my instant execution If I say it aloud, but I will share it i get an interesting reply.   
Entertainment / Obscure Games
June 15, 2024 05:07 AM
Okay, another very specific theme thread I made. I like to talk about videogames that fell into obscurity, games that are not that well know for the majority of people but they are Interesting to talk and, of course, play.

I'll start this thread with one that, In my opinion, encapsulate the definition I presented for the type of game I'm talking about.

Gunman Chronicles It's a very interesting and original FPS develop by Rewolf Entretainment and released In the year 2000. originally started development In 1998 as a multiplayer mod for Quake, later jumping to Quake 2 and later to Half-Life. It was shown at the Half-Life Mod Expo in 1999, an event hosted by Valve and It's old publisher Sierra Entertainment to showcase the vast modding scene of Half-Life and showing the latest of Valve like the highly anticipated Team Fortress 2. alongside popular mods like USS Darkstar, Action Half-Life, and Counter-Strkie, Gunman Chronicles was the killer show of the event bringing the attention of Sierra, which they were Interested in making Gunman a fully independent game, Rewolf got funded and expanded and received aid from Valve to finish the game.

Gunman Chronicles Is basically a Pulp story that combines Starship Troopers and Spaghetti Western films, something you never see together. compare to Half-Life, Gunman Is more a typical classic FPS but with a twist on Its gameplay. you don't have reloads but you weapons can be modified and configured In real time! for example: you can set how many shells you can shoot at the same time and change the spread of the pellets, you blaster can be change to a wide of modes with a sniper rifle modification, you grenades can be set as tripwire and cluster but they are also the ammunition of the M.U.L.E. the Rocket/Grenade Launcher and so on.

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This game is also visually impressive for being a GoldSrc game, did you know that the textures are painted by hand and the models are sculpted? It's true! and you can check it out here

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Did you also know that this Is the first videogame role of Jim French? the voice actor of Bill in Left 4 Dead and the Father Grigori In Half-Life 2.

I can tell much of this game, Is one of those that you need to play to get all and words and pictures don't make it justice (more because I don't have much screenshots right now and there's a a lot of text right now). but, where I can play it? well, that's where we get why It's an obscure game.

Gunman Chronicles receive at it's launch mixed reviews and It didn't reach so far, Rewolf was dissolve the next year and the creators went to other places also leading to the cancellation of a Gamecube port (now that's Interesting). Valve keep the rights of the game, however, they don't sell the game on Steam for unknown reasons despite that there's evidence that at one point It was going to be alongside the other GoldSrc games on Steam at it's launch.

So how can you play this Abandonware?

  • you can get a physical copy or... you know and try to install it, which is ill advice, modern operative systems don't go well with the WON version of GoldSrc, you get a crash at the start of the game
  • Installing on steam as a Half-Life mod (which requires to have that game to run it) and using the Steam Patch made by Revenant100 (better known as MarphitimusBlackimus or MarphyBlack on short) so far the most easy one
  • Use the files of your copy and run it with Xash3D, an engine made to be an advance mod platform (Half-Life's equivalent of GZDoom)

One more thing, If you are not playing the retail version you are missing the CGI Intro of the game which contain a critical part of the story, the beginning. the mod and Xash3D don't have the ability to play video like retail does.

Anyways, that's a lot yapping I made. If you have the chance of play it go for it. It's a cool game and a hidden gem of the GoldSrc era.

You have other obscure games with interesting stories?
I love to hear a good soundtrack In a videogame, but sometimes I manage to found OSTs that are just beautiful. one of them are Ubisoft's Beyond Good & Evil. a couple of particular songs come to my mind when I remember this game.

Do you have other pieces you want to share?
Tango Gameworks and Arkane Austin are dead, and the layoffs and studio killing Is only getting worst. what a time to be alive.

Moral of the story: Never, NEVER, celebrate corporate fusions and acquisitions, ever.

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Little Illustration made by myself based In the closure of Arkane Austin and the fate of the Prey IP
The Gallery / My art
May 6, 2024 02:52 AM
I want to show my art here because, why not?

A POOTIS ENGAGE Fanart, my most popular piece.

A Left 4 Dead/Plants Vs Zombies mash-up

A Mr. Valve fanart on paper I made In late high school which Is a remake of a previous one

(The old one)

An OC fanart I made for a mutual on Newgrounds

A Half-Life tribute art made for the 25th anniversary of the game. (pretty clear I'm a Valve fan lol)

Commissioned artwork of Mari Makinami and Nico Robin doing arm wrestling, and Robin Is not playing fair.

A D&D request I got on Discord.

Original Character of mine, her name Is Ruby. this artwork was made for this lunar year. 



I like to know a little bit of the history of this place since I'm kind of a new user here and I see this place goes way back to 2005, even If It Is not that particularly great, I wish to know.     
Entertainment / Beta Minecraft
March 15, 2024 12:22 AM
I got myself hook recently with the old versions of Minecraft thanks to a new wave of Minecraft content on YouTube dedicated to do let's plays on this versions being a stark contrast with current Minecraft content on YouTube, without mixing Minecraft youtubers like: Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, xisumavoid, EthosLab, AntVenom, etc. but modern Minecraft content on YouTube is really bad, designed to be content farm with no distinction from one of each other, manufactured at grand scale, artificial that gets pretty tiresome and most of the time the people behind is the worst (without extending in that last part further...) but the so called "Golden Age" Minecraft content feels... refreshing, ironic considering that they are playing outdated versions of the game, it's fascinating to watch these videos because this people are actually genuine, with genuine commentary and Interaction with their audience and what they achieved under the limitations and problems of playing a Beta release of Minecraft, and shines the initial appeal of Minecraft that sadly was lost with the time when the game got updates. like the old videos from a decade ago when Minecraft was the hot shit on YouTube and there was no types of videos or whatsoever. not just recreations made by nostalgia. sure, this videos might get boring for a lot of people (that's a common criticism of the game overall) but this is a type of video we don't get often today and I'm glad is back and it's even doing a small change with the new content, not that great, but people is getting tired of the current stale content.

My first version of Minecraft i played was Release 1.8, the last one develop by Mojang as a independent developer, and that was the only thing i know about Minecraft, getting wood, make a bed, skip the night, gather food and XP, build my shelter get al the ores until reach diamond, go to The Nether, make potions, enchantments, defeating The Whither, finding the stronghold and kill the Ender Dragon and... now what? the biggest problem with modern Minecraft is that there's too much to do and you get overwhelmed, too easy to beat and more with the exploits you can make, there's no reward, no satisfaction, sure you can build everything, but even that gets unsatisfactory for how easy it is and the new updates (with some exceptions) don't help,  the add too much stuffs that most of the time are useless and the only value they have is a completionist one. i can now understand why the Beta 1.8 was and still is a controversial updated, more than the 1.9 update.

But playing Beta 1.7.3 is a whole different experience. limited in most aspects but more open with the sandbox possibilities, where i can set my goals instead of following a linear progression, there's less blocks and placement options, but, under the limitations, creativity can flourish, the terrain is more interesting than the release versions, even the Caves and Cliffs update, making grand buildings a pleasure to make and watch, the difficulty is also another factor, the first night is hard but it's rewarding surviving it, and Creepers are a real threat in this version and the pitch black darkness you find in caves and the night gives a unique feeling and atmosphere and more with how dangerous the mobs are in this version.

I dunno, this version is what defines Minecraft a resource gathering sandbox where the player can set their own goals with a strong social component and a unique proposition. don't know if someone will read this long rant about a cube game that's mostly associated with content farms today.