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General / The Backalleys Discord Server is down.
December 16, 2023 12:01 AM

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Entertainment / Freedom Planet
August 26, 2014 02:42 PM
Freedom Planet Official Launch Trailer
Steam Store Page: [LINK]
Humble Store: [LINK] (Search "Freedom Planet")

This game came out over a month ago and I've been following its development for a very long time. I absolutely love the game and it'll probably be my favorite game of the year, yet it's getting so little attention. I highly recommend the game to anyone who is a big fan of fast paced 16bit platformers. The game currently has three playable characters and future characters (with their story modes) will be added in future patches along with additional stuff to improve the game. The biggest complaint against the game seems to be the story, but anyone not interested in the plot can play the game's Classic mode.
Let's face it, mainstream dance and electronic music has gotten really stale...really...really...really fucking stale. Much of it sounds the same and dubstep took over mainstream electronic music (which also sounds the same WUBWUBWUB). The future of dance and electronic music has not looked very good and as a result, I think many people are getting sick of it. This is probably why artists like Adele and Gotye have become so successful because a lot of people want something new. So in a time when electronic dance music is the most sale it's been in ages, the long awaited 4th album by Daft Punk seems like it might the glimmer of hope this industry needs. After a series of teaser commercials, they launched a video series called The Collaborators where people who worked on the album talk about their experiences in the music industry and their involvement on the album.

Daft Punk | SNL ad ▲
Daft Punk | Random Access Memories SNL ad ▲
Daft Punk | Random Access Memories | The Collaborators: Giorgio Moroder
Daft Punk | Random Access Memories | The Collaborators: Todd Edwards
Daft Punk | Random Access Memories | The Collaborators: Nile Rodgers

After three episodes, it became very clear this album was going to be very influenced by '70s disco. Last night, they finally revealed more about the album in a surprise video demonstration at Coachella and yeah, they are going full out disco.

Daft Punk's "Get Lucky" Teaser at Coachella 2013

How will this album change the industry? Could many of these collaborators have a career revival? Will disco become huge again? Soon we'll find out and I couldn't be more excited about this album's release.


lol coachella. Damn word filter.
Entertainment / Sonic 2 HD Alpha Demo
March 28, 2012 03:16 AM

This fan project is amazing and alpha demo is finally out. Everyone here who likes the Genesis games should play this. FYI, you have to right click on the title screen to access the controller support menu and I recommend looking at the manual. After beating the game, make sure to hold B (or S if you're using the keyboard) on the title screen and then hit start (or enter if you're using the keyboard) to access an awesome surprise. Also, some advice from one of the people behind the project for those having issues with the game.

Quote from: Canned KarmaWe've had plenty of people telling us that Microsoft Security Essentials is reporting that the .exe is a trojan. Rest assured it's a false positive.

If anyone is experiencing technical problems with black screens/not loading/etc., please look at the readme PDF we included. It has a list of some basic things we found before release.
General / Happy birthday systech.
September 24, 2011 10:18 AM
What presents did you get for your 20th birthday?

I honestly cannot believe the fucking media hasn't made a big deal about this. I knew they were very corrupt but this is ridiculous. Share this story with everyone. This needs to be known.

Yosemite Sam + rapping =

Granted, the Bugs and Daffy parts of the show are nowhere near as bad as the Marrie Melodies but jeez... A bunch of previous recently went online and the show is of questionable quality. [LINK] While I did laugh at some of the clips, the show's neighborhood format is stupid and both Bugs and Daffy are nowhere near as nutty as they should be. While Daffy's personality is still interesting and he's still a nutjob, he was much, much crazier in the older cartoons. As for Bugs, he's become kinda bland. He's supposed to be kind of a dick but yet he's all nice now. :/

Bugs is also a dick and Daffy is a complete nutjob outside of Loony Tunes appearances.

I want to see these personalities return. :(
General / KaboingTV has launched.
March 14, 2011 02:40 AM

I don't understand why this site has cost $25,000 to make and why the episodes for Frog in a Suit aren't in HD. Hell, it's not even in widescreen. Hopefully the later episodes will be in much better quality. I'm also surprised the episodes are just embedded YouTube videos. I originally thought the site would have its own player.
General / Guys, please don't hate me.
February 10, 2011 08:18 AM

Well, this ruined my da-, no we-, no month. :/ Depressing as hell news. On a brighter note, Bomberman 3DS is a Hudson Soft game so it's probably not canceled. The bad news? Now that Hudson Entertainment is gone, who knows if it's going to release in the U.S. This also calls for a fuck you to Nintendo for putting region locks in the 3DS. Truly a shitty day in gaming.
Entertainment / The Guitar Hero series has ended.
February 10, 2011 04:42 AM

Good riddance. Music games in general should have put far more emphasis on DLC instead of releasing a new game every year. Guitar Hero, despite once being very innovative, became extremely stale and deserved its fate. Activision is truly the worst major gaming company ever. While their CoD series sells like hotcakes, how long until people get sick of the games? It's going to be very interesting to see what Activision will be like a few years from now. If they didn't own Bungie, I would assume they're in deep shit but who knows. Maybe ending the Guitar Hero franchise is part of a future strategy to fix their company. Maybe...

I don't know what's the correct punishment for this situation because I don't know enough about the kids, the tub damage (I want pictures of the tub), or the situation in general to understand whether or not these kids deserved it. However, what I do know is that if the parents only posted the toys on eBay without an explanation, it would have gotten very little attention. Thanks to the fact they posted the picture of the depressed kids with the backstory, it already has a bid of $122.50 and 150,000+ views. Considering how there's another seven days left to the bid and the backstory has made some people want to buy the toys just so they can send it back to the kids, this was a very smart financial move on the part of those parents. That crying child alone will make some people want to bid high just so they won't lose more toys.


Current bid: US $10,100.01

General / Keith Olbermann left MSNBC.
January 22, 2011 09:14 PM


Unfortunately, I no longer have cable so I wasn't able to watch his show anymore but I still watched clips and such online. While there's certain aspects of his show that could have used some serious improvements, it's a shame he's leaving and his show will be missed. Not only that but MSNBC would not be what it is today without him and for all we know, the station might have collapsed by now if he was never part of it. About an hour after news broke out about him leaving the network, CNN talked about the situation for around 18 minutes. Definitely worth watching if you want to know more about why he left.

The only good news about this is that Cenk Uygur from the Young Turks is getting a show at 3 PM PST. Other than that, R.I.P. Countdown with Keith Olbermann 2003-2011.

News Article: [LINK]

I honestly can't think of a news story that has made me this angry in a long time. It's absolutely disgusting this happened. Not mentioned in the video is that three cats and a dog burned down in the fire. Anyone who supports the county policy has no heart.