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Topics - ZennyPLUS

General / Let's eat eggs
October 25, 2015 09:07 AM
It's 5:06am and I'm craving eggs. How do you like your eggs? Do you do anything weird with your eggs recipe-wise?
*affixes pants*

That's a manly question to ask.

750GB + 250GB external/portable

Pacific Rim Official Wondercon Trailer (2013) - Guillermo del Toro Movie HD

So Yea or Nay?

It's giant robots and monsters, I dunno if I need to say much more.
General / Cryamore's Kickstarter
February 14, 2013 05:02 AM

So a fellow I've been following for years from various art sites is working on a game, you may have heard of it.

Robaato, or simply, Rob:

They even say that if they get $225k support, they'll even get the game onto home consoles, which is pretty impressive for a kickstarter project. What do you all think
Entertainment / How to...
January 30, 2013 07:46 AM
Entertainment / Watching old cartoons/anime
January 3, 2013 07:05 AM
You have had the urge to watch some old shows from way ago? Or maybe a cartoon you never got to see because you got home from school too late? Yeah me too.

As of late, I'm watching Medabots, some old anime about toys robots with lots of fighting abilities who work with their human companions. Everybody has one and yeah, it's p cool watching robots fight. Also, I dig Metabee's personality and stubbornness; I think this series is based on a game by the same name from developer/publisher Natsume.

I found Thundercats season 1 for 10 bucks at wally world and scooped that up, gonna watch that after Medabots. Then maybe some Bubblegum Crisis. Yeah.

General / What's good on TV?
December 5, 2012 09:38 AM
I am being entirely serious when I say that I haven't turned on my TV to watch cable in a few years. Most of my entertainment comes from the Internet (from great people like you~). So what's good that's on TV right now? I'd rather get referrals from someone here than wasting time checking the tube.

I think the last actual Cartoon show I watched on TV was MLP, which was okay, but I probably won't continue to watch. So recommendations on cartoons, running series, any shows like BBC's Sherlock or Doctor Who? Or you could just tell me what you've been watching as of late.

The Power of Introverts - Ep 1

This video here has a very good, but general, information about introvert behavior and personality vs. extrovert personality. As someone who works in retail, I am forced to display an extrovert appearance and frankly I hate it. I thought this was a good watch, maybe you all may think the same too.
General / Pain; share the love!
October 16, 2012 09:37 AM
Have you ever been in so much pain that it's literally cause to you fall to your knees and cry? Is it a physical pain or an emotional one? Perhaps a mental pain too?

I've got this killer toothache that rivals the worst car accidents I've been in, and it's gotten down on my knees more than a few times. There was also that one time I think I nearly broke my sternum in a crash on my bike, but that was kinda hazy and all i remembered was pain and having a hard time breathing.

Talk to me.
General / Halloween Costumes!
October 12, 2012 05:54 AM
I know who I'm gonna be!

And I love you. :) <3
General / CS Professors are
June 25, 2012 10:32 PM
#include <iorant>

int main(shit)

By far the worst of offenders of bad teaching. It's always "herp derp, i r programmer, but i can't tell you how to do it", seriously, fuck. The shit icing is added to the cake when your uni/college hires someone who has the weakest grip on English speaking and understanding.

> pay $500 + books for class;

> become clueless in class, rely upon fellow students for help;

> prof makes test with content from future chapters;

ass gravy shit.


return 0;
Half-Life developer and Cartoon Network brand working together on mystery project; Team Fortress 2 tie-in suggested.

The developer of Half-Life and the TV network behind Robot Chicken are working together on a mystery project to be announced next week. A promo page on the Adult Swim website is touting the team-up with a tease for interested viewers.

"Adult Swim & Valve are teaming up for something that you'll probably enjoy," the site promises. "To learn how their video game peanut butter will be getting in our network's chocolate, come back next week."

While the details aren't clear, a Team Fortress 2 tie-in is implied. Character art from the free-to-play team-based shooter adorns the page, and the site's keyword content tags include the game's name, as well as classes like "the heavy, the scout, the soldier, the engineer, the demoman," among others. Back in February, Valve teased that a "brand new" secret project involving Team Fortress 2 was in the works.

[Sources] - GameSpot article - Promo on adultswim's site.

Everything was pretty much copypastaed, just thought you all would be interested in this.  :cool:
I'll just leave this here. Just skip to 7:19 - 8:40.

Secret CODE - Conception: Please Give Birth to My Child, Awesomenauts