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Messages - michaell

Introductions / Re: Hello to everyone
April 11, 2016 11:05 PM
General / Re: A- on my midterm paper!
April 11, 2016 05:18 PM
...Good Job (=
General / Re: Trans Day of Visibility
April 11, 2016 05:13 PM

General / Re: thread of bad
March 15, 2016 10:04 PM
Quote from: Bamyasi on March 15, 2016 07:21 PM
I also want to say I genuinely sympathize with your anxiety over European cultural preservation. I don't think you make a great case of Japan being a major threat though.

You also must know, and I say this as a fan of your work, that many of the pieces you've posted in your art thread would be unpublishable under stricter legislation regarding violence, specifically that toward women. Just because you make images like these doesn't mean your empathy is necessarily all with the mutilator. You're a great illustrator and, personally, I think it would be a damn shame if people who don't understand had the power to decide what you're allowed to publish.

ok but at least shes happy. she probably had the organs excised at her own behest. hence the smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
General / Re: thread of bad
March 15, 2016 06:30 PM
also let me tell you why japs are so besotted with rape porn

asians in general are assholes with small cocks but ferocious nature

all their culture is about


AND conquering

all asians have the blood of genghis khan flowing through them and when theyre born they instantly think of conquest and inseminating and degrading the women of the enemy!!!

but now theres world peace and theres no point to it anymore so theyre drawing stupid shit instead

and now the west is being soaked with their primitive culture

DO you really want THIS culture vvvv to replace ours???

General / Re: thread of bad
March 15, 2016 06:24 PM
how is that a bad thing

its not even badly drawn porn thats being banned its VIOLENCE against women

i dont even see any reason other than some bizarre and pernicious fetishism about rape and violence why anyone would watch this shit so its no harm its being purged
Quote from: rtil on March  6, 2016 08:42 PM
Quote from: basketweaver on March  6, 2016 08:13 PM
John Kasich is the most stable actual candidate, but he's probably not sensational enough to win the nomination.

I think it's absolutely hilarious how leftist journalists are doing character attacks on Trump, Cruz, and Rubio when no one seems concerned with the fact that Bernie was a hippie stoner jobless parasite for 20 years after his college graduation and that Hillary Clinton is a literal criminal. You really think that the Democratic party is full of innocent nice guys who aren't corrupt, who totally are on your side, and who have never lied or bullied anyone before?

People are scrutinizing the Republican candidates to a huge degree and drawing out sweeping, out-of-context criticisms, but they aren't applying that same skepticism and scrutiny to any of the Democratic candidates. The playing field is always going to be inherently unequal whenever you do this. It's almost like the left is more concerned with coercing your vote through manipulation rather than actually engaging in reasoned argumentation :^).

nah it works both ways

biased journalism has a narrative to push on either side

i think more americans every year are starting to realise both establishments are essentially the same but not enough to make a real difference

i agree but i think its simply easier to disparage right wingers

the thing is that "leftist propaganda" as some may call it (not discrediting legitimate left leaning ideolgies of course) can simply find wider appeal not necessarily among proponents of such - you can always ascribe features like "religious fanatic" to somebody. now that can tarnish the persons reputation among everyone, other followers, moderate followers, nonreligious individuals.

homophobia, disrespect for womens right blah blah the list goes on

when you assemble all of this into a coherent image then the politican ends up looking like a complete moron and thats what people believe them to be
The Gallery / Re: Serious art thrØd
March 6, 2016 11:39 AM
youll be fully absolved when you redraw 'if i ate you out'

russian civil war

you might enjoy this if you wish the whites had won (their unoffical hymn - farewell of slavianka)
Some of the greatest Polish music!! This one takes us back to the Deluge.
The Gallery / Re: Serious art thrØd
March 4, 2016 09:55 PM
...well thats what i meant

you made INCREDIBLE progress

The Gallery / Re: Serious art thrØd
March 4, 2016 09:37 PM
Quote from: SrsSam77 on June  8, 2014 11:15 AM

skillz when?

"skillz when?"

you got it!!
The Gallery / Re: Serious art thrØd
March 4, 2016 07:43 PM
very nice draw's
those are just corpses of the victims of a russian necrophiliac
General / Re: Totally kool animals
March 4, 2016 02:14 AM
Quote from: Unless on March  4, 2016 12:05 AM
Hedgehogs had been my favourite animal for a long time before the Hedgehog-themed username that I used at the time began being used by somebody else on the internet, IIRC, "56 year-old male with a big dick", and also an ex had adopted a wild Hedgehog and it sort of became a whole thing in school so I decided that it wasn't for the best.

Quote from: Bamyasi on March  3, 2016 11:09 PM
... they're man's best bitch.
You have a way with words, you know?

Quote from: rtil on March  3, 2016 10:26 PM
Quote from: michaell on March  3, 2016 06:39 PM

coolest parasite ever. read about its modus operanti
someone made a cartoon about this thing once Cymothoa Exigua
I was literally tabbing out from the video early with the intentions of typing in here (and closing the video early) about how this parasite doesn't actually eat with its asshole and that this video is full of shit – then suddenly it addressed this issue by at least bringing it up as a way of making it clear that it's aware.
So I'm going to close it early still, but I do have a new-found lack of disrespect toward this video.

I think that Aardvarks are the shit:

how many exes do you have
General / Re: Totally kool animals
March 3, 2016 10:13 PM
cats suck and dogs are better alright

heres a cool dog that no stupid cat will ever outshine, komondor dog of hungary

General / Re: Totally kool animals
March 3, 2016 07:36 PM
Quote from: Unless on March  3, 2016 07:34 PM
I wonder if it ever stops hurting, if Fish lose much functionality of their tongue afterwards, and how the little buggers react when you go and get them pierced.

I did know about those already and thought they were pretty neat, still learned a few things from the Wiki page. If I was going to have to make my own thread I'd have titled it Cute Animals or something, so now I guess I'm glad I didn't.

the tongue falls off

plus it prolly doesnt hurt, like with other parasites. thats the point