aether's sketchdump

Started by aether, September 19, 2010 02:06 AM

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These are the drawings I've been doing over the past several weeks, with instruction and help from a family friend who has been my 'art tutor', who I feel has really helped me develop my skills.

Edit: all images have been resized and I added a new one of a complete face, drawn from a picture given to us in art class.

This Next one was drawn in art class as an exercise. Affectionately named 'Edwardo', this is the sheet we used to draw him from and then below my drawing. Its not great, but its still a face wether it resembles Edwardo or not.

Imo he looks a little bit like Murphy from Robo Cop.


it'd be nice to see a sketch of a complete face or body instead of just these parts, and these scans are way too huge. but they look alright


Quote from: rtilit'd be nice to see a sketch of a complete face or body instead of just these parts, and these scans are way too huge. but they look alright

im working on a face at the moment for my art class at school which is due in two days. these were studies of how to draw each part of the face before putting them together that i did on my own and with my instructor.



too damn huge
crop your images


Heres a portrait I just finished for art class at my school. People that saw me drawing seemed to like it a lot.


the hair looks good. you could probably use some linework here and there to make more definitive edges. overall it feels too soft


Quote from: rtilthe hair looks good. you could probably use some linework here and there to make more definitive edges. overall it feels too soft

thats something my teach tried to tell me, but i was running out of time. I wish I had more time to work on it.



Quote from: TomI followed a certain anigen in here one day
Quote from: lenkoalso i made tea instead of coffee fuckkkkkkkk
Quote from: lenkosugar MAKES the tea
Quote from: spiteI'm going to trick the top professional NBA basketball players to touch a magic basketball that absorbs all of their talent; Then combine their talent with mine own and destroy the world by reverse slam dunking over Micheal Jordan from half-court.
Quote from: Mad MeatUnlike before, when I`m ejaculating, there aren`t any ``sperm`` coming out anymore, and I am wondering if it is a bad thing? will it be permanent? or in the worst case, do anybody know what I should do?
then again, sorry for that question


Quote from: shuranot bad at all

Quote from: SHADOWFOX2This is really good



wow that looks really good, it's not bad at all.


wow that looks really bad, it's not good at all.

EDIT: No wait, that is actually pretty great.


Quote from: Fuzzwow that looks really bad, it's not good at all.

EDIT: No wait, that is actually pretty great.


More on the way. although my class has stopped doing life drawing for now i'm continuing on my own because i find it important and i love it.


i will be trying to outline and color this in photoshop for the first time.


Alta Don


a speed sketch that i found the other day. done during the first days of art class this year where we had to draw something that represented us so i drew my hand while i was holding a pencil.

drawing of a bird i'm currently working on


great start on the bird! with looking at the pictures in here, it seems you have done a lot of improving since this hand sketch

<@reptilicus> am I in backwards land?
<@reptilicus> if i go to the toilet will poop go up into my rectum