filedump public beta & new forum embed options

Started by rtil, March 24, 2010 08:39 AM

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last night i finished the checkbox options for tagging multiple files for deletion or file moving. this only works on the home page right now. i have yet to add the functionality for files in folders, so sorry about that for now.

just click the box on the left of any file to check it, and a menu will pop up at the bottom of the file list with options for moving all the files you have checked to an existing folder or if you want to delete them. a confirmation box will come up.

there's still a bug when you upload files where if you tag them with a folder it won't put them in the folder. i will try to fix it tonight.

i also found out i can't really have an ajax progress bar without using flash on shared hosting.. i need a php plugin that i can't install without my own server. so the uploader is going to work the way it is now until i move to VPS, which will hopefully be sometime this year.


bug fixes:
  • filecount and folder size updates on file deletion inside the folder
  • permalinks for files use file ID's instead of names. this will help with stability for filenames with characters that might confuse the browser address bar, and shorten URL's. older permalinks to file players will no longer work
  • file browser is now a global file that will be the same in the unsorted main page and in the folders
known bugs:
  • multiple file selector in folder view doesn't work
upcoming features:
  • ability to view other people's filedumps
  • AJAX uploading w/ progress bar (can't do until i move to VPS)
i'll be updating this topic like this whenever i make changes.

if you guys have any feature requests please let me know, and if you encounter any bugs please explain what you did, how it happened and if you can reproduce it.


bug fixes:
  • fixed "could not open" error on files with url encoded characters (thanks dilly)
  • fixed menu for multiple selected files in folder view
  • fixed extra characters in some copypaste friendly permalinks for files and embed tags
  • fixed files in folders showing up in unsorted files list
known bugs:
  • non-enforced total filesize limit cap
upcoming features:
  • ability to view other people's filedumps
  • AJAX uploading w/ progress bar (can't do until i move to VPS)


I tried to upload two song files and neither of them uploaded. FYI, they are both 20+ MB in size because they're 11+ minute songs in high quality.


The file names are "Reverend Bizarre - In the Rectory (MP3 320)" and "Yes - Heart of the Sunrise (MP3 V0)."


max filesize limit is 10mb, sorry.

actually , i just checked and it\\\'s 20. maybe you were a bit over the limit. try uploading them one at a time.


I didn't know there was a 20 MB limit. Since we're allowed to upload up to 1 GB, is it possible if the 20 MB limit is increased?


yes i can raise it. i just figured nobody would be needing to upload a file larger than 20mb



25. just upload them one at a time or something


My 21.4 MB file titled "Yes - Heart of the Sunrise (MP3 V0)" still isn't uploading.



The page just acts as if I never tried upload anything.


i'll check the script when i make some planned changes to the uploader later on. i don't know why it's doing that. i was able to upload a 10mb file, but not a 23mb file. it would really help if there was a progress bar, but unfortunately my shared hosting doesnt allow me to add a php extension i need to code one, and i don't want to change the uploader to being flash based.


i will be making some changes today. file uploads will work but please excuse any bugs until i add the new features


two new features that should save a lot of time
  • new post upload page. gives you the option to copypaste embed codes, view the file player or go to the folder of any of the files you just uploaded.
  • you can now get the embed tags for multiple files all at once by checking the files you want the embed tags for, then selecting "get embed tags" at the bottom. a textbox will pop-up with all the embed tags. just click, copypaste, and you're done.
  • fixed folder referral not showing up when viewing files in folders
  • fixed missing embed/dl on flv pages
please let me know of any bugs or features you'd like to see

i raised the timeout to 60 seconds on the upload page.. hopefully that should be long enough for those of you who need to upload larger files.


Casey Pixmintro

<+RobHalford> hi my name is ix and I wanna get intro you
I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt


dunno what to tell ya wac. if you need to upload a large file just go to megaupload or something


ok, tonight i finally got around to the last big part of the file uploader. now you can view other people's file dump pages. to see what one looks like, here's mine. to get to someone's file dump page, go to their forum profile, and click on the "file dump" link on the left sidebar.

so now those privacy locks (/) actually mean something - if you don't want people to see a certain file or folder, lock it!

you can't lock folders yet, but i will add that tomorrow. and you can still lock files inside a folder anyway.

Lats, Squats, & Oates

i made a new hearder for u its no biggy, u can thank me l8r
