Video game hell: Parts in video games (or entire video games) u didn't like

Started by nuac_, November 12, 2019 03:03 AM

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Trying to figure out what to do in Adams Family Values really sucked so I traded it for a copy of NBA JAM; I even bought a multitap and 4 controllers to get away from that "Christmas gift" from an Aunt. (That aunt turned out to be really crazy and really big into holistic new age medical shit but anyway).

Plz post.

you are a big,big pervert.You have unbridled fantasy!!!


Ok How about this;

Did anyone think getting Lulu's sigil was fun because I did not.

you are a big,big pervert.You have unbridled fantasy!!!


i remember trying very many times and then giving up.

also fuck that music

Dr. DiegO

Necroposting, but what the hell.

The Singleplayer campaign of Halo 2, specially on the Legendary difficulty. storywise its great, gameplay its not. I can't stand the poor weapon balance (the shotgun downgrade is a travesty), the irregular behavior of the Covenant and their endurance and the weapons gave, specially in the later parts with the Brutes and those fucking Jackal Snipers.

Combat Evolved was and still it is better.


I remember trying to scum save in diablo 1 for the playstation
And utterly failing cuz I was playing the game so terribly wrong.
Final fantasy games are bad by design; earning stronger numbers doesn't make you a better player.
You can't get stronger numbers in D1 or D2; you just kinda play -- you cant grind or regrind the first 2 floors and magically get super strong; that implied design is very dumb and I regret 13 yo me thinking that hahahaha.

But yea I remember trying to fight King Leoric and dying a few thousand times, then giving up because my bow wouldnt repair properly. I was also obsessed with killing the butcher with "pushback" weapons -- this turned out to be dumb. The best part of Diablo 1 was being able to spam pots, and they took that out cuz it was too strong.
Sometimes you roll a game thts impossible to beat without some thinking; Like this one

00:52:00 - Acid spitting dogs out the ass.

If I didn't wipe my saves when I got hacked, I wouldve destroyed them by using path finding against them in one of the rooms.

I also hate games or rpgs that warrant chronic saving, but I'm willing to let it go for diablo 1

you are a big,big pervert.You have unbridled fantasy!!!


That Sun in Super Mario Bros 3.


Edit: Tenor is crap hahahahahaha

you are a big,big pervert.You have unbridled fantasy!!!

Dr. DiegO

Quote from: nuac_ on January 22, 2025 02:18 AMEdit: Tenor is crap hahahahahaha
Yeah. I attempted to use it here and didn't made it work. not even posting the gif directly.


every escort mission. especially escort missions where the escort moves at a different pace than you no matter what (which is every escort mission)