
Started by Bamyasi, March 21, 2017 09:21 PM

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How do I twitter.

Like who do I follow.


"He was shown the smallness and tinsel emptiness of the little Earth gods, with their petty, human interests and connections - their hatreds, rages, loves and vanities; their craving for praise and sacrifice and their demands for faiths contrary to reason and nature."

" stimulates the part of the brain called "shatners-bassoon", and that's the bit of the brain that deals with...time perception..."


That doesn't help at all not even a little bit why would you say that I thought we were friends.


[12:59 AM] elm: yea honestly if you dont want to cum on elmer fudds bald head whats wrong with you
[07:49.46] <+slack> cum erupts from the dick at an alarming rate
[07:49.59] <+slack> it will blast off and slap the wall at like 40 mph


Isn't he a goon though.


[12:59 AM] elm: yea honestly if you dont want to cum on elmer fudds bald head whats wrong with you
[07:49.46] <+slack> cum erupts from the dick at an alarming rate
[07:49.59] <+slack> it will blast off and slap the wall at like 40 mph


mister hayden, lovely boy, i dont even have twitter but i wish i did just to get a regular supply of his tweets

"He was shown the smallness and tinsel emptiness of the little Earth gods, with their petty, human interests and connections - their hatreds, rages, loves and vanities; their craving for praise and sacrifice and their demands for faiths contrary to reason and nature."

" stimulates the part of the brain called "shatners-bassoon", and that's the bit of the brain that deals with...time perception..."


Quote from: BluPhoenix on March 21, 2017 10:49 PM
who cars

Quote from: soup on March 21, 2017 10:51 PM
mister hayden, lovely boy, i dont even have twitter but i wish i did just to get a regular supply of his tweets
You don't have a deviantArt either apparently. Make a twitter I'll follow you my dude.


Nice try but I only follow people who follow me (shoutout to @realDonaldTjump and @US_PokerStreams).

Thanks for the links though.



follow all the creators you like

eventually mute them all because they tweet about mundane shit/politics




Twitter is a lovely inviting place to have political free discussion.

Also do or don't follow ken ashcorp at your own discretion. you will be browsing twitter at school and BAM, inverted nipple yiffing everywhere.


Quote from: ExBerian on March 24, 2017 04:27 AM
you will be browsing twitter at school and BAM, inverted nipple yiffing everywhere.
And while it may be an awesome thing that your school somehow hasn't banned Twitter or phones from their classes, class can prove to be an annoying time to have to heavily sigh and unzip.


Those both sound like personal experiences.

Also don't fucking knock inverted nipples they are the best nipples.


Quote from: Bamyasi on March 24, 2017 01:37 PM
Those both sound like personal experiences.

Also don't fucking knock inverted nipples they are the best nipples.
They are the bastard nipples


You're goddamn right.


Why is twitter so full of bots.

My only like/retweets are from bots with hot girl avatars.


QuoteThe feeling of Kantbot retweeted you.
I take back everything I've ever said about this site.

It's like getting (You)'s but even more narcissistically validating.