artrocity exhibition

Started by Jon, January 16, 2016 01:46 PM

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Quote from: SrsSam77 on November 10, 2016 04:39 AM
Is that first painting a film shot study or from imagination, either way you need to tell kizu and his sameface ladies to fuck themselves with a rake next time he calls you unimaginative

i drew a bunch of them yeh but they were small and pretty undetailed so w/e imo. please critique the drawing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im going to post my art thru this reply to you!

study i did. yehs
i tried to make a cartoon dog dat didnt look scary. rtil liked it. sort of. winning?
i bet the anatomy on this one is a real doozy. and the lighting, loooll  btw that pic is nsfw


you can use [nsfw] tag to create a nsfw img with an overlay on top of it people can click to reveal. the hips should probably be wider on that , but i think what makes it look a bit odd is the very cartoonish animal head and hands on a mostly realistic human body


yea I feel like it's pretty cringy,I guess I have more of an idea of what not to do Which is good. Thanks for posting!


there's an impressive sense of scale in the study, really cool earthy colors and tones

ur cartoon dogs are v cute please continue to draw adorable cartoon animals

"He was shown the smallness and tinsel emptiness of the little Earth gods, with their petty, human interests and connections - their hatreds, rages, loves and vanities; their craving for praise and sacrifice and their demands for faiths contrary to reason and nature."

" stimulates the part of the brain called "shatners-bassoon", and that's the bit of the brain that deals with...time perception..."


thankz i will try

pretty dissatisfied with dis tbh but idk ill try to improve on it tomorrow speedwize and resultwize ps i hate how smudgy and gay it is i feel like i could do better with sai in that aspect, but i suppose photoshop will show me its true potential  hahahah.. share your thoughts and criticisms.. is quantity better than quality...?? i wanna do more than one of these in a single day... time...


how long did this take you is my preliminary question


too long...srsly I think it was about 4 hrs and most of it was battling
The tones to make it not look all smudge...I was also in discord call so that prob didn't help...


yeah I was going to say, 4 hours looks much too long, without the discord call I'd say it should probably only have taken you about 30-40 mins
The read is just a tad hazy because there isn't much value variation on the body even though it is in shadow, and the edges are rough and need control

my most immediate advice to you is to throw down a solid mid-tone on the entire canvas the moment you start a new one, white backgrounds will always throw off your values/tones/colors when you're starting out, I'd also advise you do more of these studies and work on your value/color blending IN ADDITION to paying heed to subsurface scattering in human bodies

gl hf m80


thank you very much sam. i tried your mid-town canvas idea and i can honestly say i wish i knew to do that a long time ago, but i'm glad i know now. i am still having trouble blending my values. i have no idea how you can knock these out and have them photorealstic in 40 minutes, but i think i can get to that point, even if im not quite 'finishing' them yet. am i lame enough yet LoL. these were timed for 45 minutes but i cheated on the second one.

im getting addicted to posting on here.


you take-a da brush and you set-a the opacity a-down so it does the thing-a yo mamma tells yous about

so, set the opacity on the brush low, then blend the two areas you want to blend together, because the opacity is low it will darken/lighten the other value you're blending which allows you to do the walk back that ends in a smooth value gradiation

I also personally enjoy using low opacities for lifting up or darkening certain swathes of value/color in a painting


spoiler = nsfw/gay





what i learned: getting better at textures and using brushes, i feel more happy with myself when i color  things and make original stuff, i feel like in order to get much better i must do that, more perspective pieces and backgrounds for this month, more colors, more portfolio worthy ventures. i think that the unfinished perspective picture is the most challenging thing i ever attempted. overall i feel pretty proud of myself but what are your thoughts, you.


fucking hell those are some impressive studies well done dude seriously

i honestly want to know have you been following any kind of schedule that goes beyond just "pick an image and do some studies"?

"He was shown the smallness and tinsel emptiness of the little Earth gods, with their petty, human interests and connections - their hatreds, rages, loves and vanities; their craving for praise and sacrifice and their demands for faiths contrary to reason and nature."

" stimulates the part of the brain called "shatners-bassoon", and that's the bit of the brain that deals with...time perception..."


i just make a note to work on a study at least everyday. i try to get one done per day but that feels out of my skill range right now but i know some people do it. there's a daily thing people do on the forums? ever go there? thoughts on it? (are there any good art forums out there i should know about?)

personally i have mixed feelings about studies. i know they're essential for gaining skill but i feel like they're kind of moot if you don't challenge yourself into making something original out of what you've learned. i feel like i haven't transformed the studies into an original thing and i've squandered whatever knowledge i've gained from it. i secretly hope that's not the case! i feel like i've improved but i'm still gonna try to make more original stuff to protect my mind. i feel like it'll help me get better faster along with my studies. do you think my studies and my original stuff is too far apart quality wise? any favourites or least favourites? do you like studying yourself? do you study things you hate? do you 'endure' studying? how much of drawing is 'enduring' vs 'fun'? what's more important? do the two become one for you?


theres just something about this dude thats so chipper i think hed be my fave. ya really did him justice

theres a lot of really nice texture going on in your studies as well that adds that extra bit of depth. I think the studies translate well into your style, even if its a little simpler it certainly looks far more "solid" than a lot of work i see online, and im sure that must be because youve got a strong knowledge of the fundamentals. even if you havent done anything "original" that youre happy with yet its all adding to a visual library that will make your work look that bit more believable

after i did some thinking i realised i wasnt happy with the quality of my work at all so ive essentially dropped everything i do online indefinitely. i see no real reason to go back tbh. instead i do a study a day and ive been practicing with more traditional media, while looking more into the fundamentals . i can already say its pushed me to learn far more already than just churning out the same dull stuff and learning nothing, and that feels pretty rewarding!

"He was shown the smallness and tinsel emptiness of the little Earth gods, with their petty, human interests and connections - their hatreds, rages, loves and vanities; their craving for praise and sacrifice and their demands for faiths contrary to reason and nature."

" stimulates the part of the brain called "shatners-bassoon", and that's the bit of the brain that deals with...time perception..."


thanks man i feel like im really starting to find a good pace with my art, i am psyched that your comics are making such waves i still need to try and get my humor out there im jealous but its a legitimately a beautiful thing to see you fill a void with your brand of humor like that heh

im gonna take a page out of that book because it sounds fulfilling as all hell

doing studies everyday, enrolled in a schoolism class for light and i was asked to do 5 studies that study on natural neutral light and whatnot. figuring out brushes and textures


i like how you can sense the texture through the simplicity! very nice!

<@reptilicus> am I in backwards land?
<@reptilicus> if i go to the toilet will poop go up into my rectum




you are a big,big pervert.You have unbridled fantasy!!!

