multiplayer meetup thread

Started by rtil, April 15, 2013 10:06 PM

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Hey I'm starting to play Tera again if anyone's interested
Moving to a different server though


can we get a 3DS friend code section going? 4570-7580-2683


Quote from: sev on July  1, 2013 11:11 PM
can we get a 3DS friend code section going? 4570-7580-2683

added below steam group


if you keep a list of the friend codes updated on the OP post i will pin that thread


interested, will have to install once i get back home, next week.
[12:59 AM] elm: yea honestly if you dont want to cum on elmer fudds bald head whats wrong with you
[07:49.46] <+slack> cum erupts from the dick at an alarming rate
[07:49.59] <+slack> it will blast off and slap the wall at like 40 mph



If anyone else is playing, I'm really enjoying Titanfall and would like to have people I know on my team rather than strangers. As always, my Origin name is Gilthwixt.


i'm morbidly curious about titanfall, but i really don't want to purchase another EA game. i'm open to having my mind changed, though.


I could write a whole lot about Titanfall, I'm 50+ hours in. I know how you feel about EA because I was/am the same way, but the beta pretty much sold me. So far, EA hasn't put so much as a finger in this pot yet, it's all Respawn Entertainment. I'm worried that future installments will have too much meddling but the first entry is pretty solid. To sum it up as best I can:

+Almost perfectly balanced gameplay
+Titan control is tight and intuitive
+Pilot mobility is so addictively fluid it's like meth

-Shotguns and Satchel Charges are pretty strong, need nerfing
-"Campaign mode" is basically just multiplayer + fluff dialogue and cutscenes, and disappointing plotwise
-Matchmaking is still wonky; takes forever to find matches when you're premade and/or in an unpopular playlist.
-Teams can get incredibly unbalanced in numbers/skill

The last two cons are currently being worked on, I didn't buy this game for the campaign, and the shotguns can be outplayed if you can adapt/have map awareness. They'll probably nerf the range on them soon enough anyway.

I still recommend getting it though because the Titan gameplay and Parkour make for a completely refreshing experience that I don't think Battlefield, Planetside 2, TF2, CoD, or Halo can match. They did a surprisingly good job balancing Pilot vs Pilot, Pilot vs. Titan, and Titan vs Titan, with nearly every weapon/perk/ability feeling powerful and useful in the right context. I use a variety of different loadouts and make MVP 30% of the time, Top 3 85% of the time. It's just fun, wall-running from building to building, clearing the entire map in seconds, flanking the enemy and killing a bunch of AI-controlled minions. Then, when the enemy pilots come to investigate your blip on the mini-map, you wall cling over a doorway while cloaked, drop down and kill a couple of them, flashbang and runaway from the others, who chase you only to find you sitting in your recently called Titan. Moments like these don't happen frequently enough in other games and aren't nearly as amazing.

If you do decide to get the game, I play regularly with several of my IRL friends and we almost always have room for another. Now excuse me, I have to clean this jizz off my keyboard.


what about the titan gameplay? i've barely seen anything about that. i'm more interested in that then typical fps play.

also, i really wish i could try a demo or something. there doesn't seem to be enough content to justify the $60 price tag


Titan gameplay is more balanced than pilot gameplay and also really fun. My initial reaction and that of my friends was that pilot mobility was so fun that we didn't really bother piloting Titans in the beginning and just left them on auto-pilot. Once the excitement of Mirrors-Edge-Multiplayer wears off, it becomes apparent that Titans are too important to ignore, as a coordinated team of 3+ people in Titans will dominate the entire map and prevent a whole team of pilots from doing anything meaningful.

The balance of Titans is really straightforward:

-Three Chasis: a Speed-type, Damage-type, and Defense-type
-Three active abilities: Electric-smoke, Vortex Shield, and Particle Wall
-Six Primary Weapons each with unique sidegrades: Chaingun, 40mm Cannon, Railgun, Arc Cannon, Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher
-Four Ordnance: Rocket Salvo, Cluster Missile, Multi-Target Missiles, and Warheads

Essentially, every option the loadout trades one strength/weakness for another and excels under different circumstances. The Chaingun has average dps, but is incredibly accurate and is great for taking out pilots. If you upgrade it with an accelerator, it does great damage with crits but now you have to burst fire if you want to hit pilots. The 40mm cannon does great damage, but has travel time, so you have to lead shots and it's pretty hard to hit moving pilots with. You can splash damage them to death, but that doesn't work against pilots on rooftops. If you upgrade it to 3-shot burst, you do better dps but lose to high mobility Stryder Titans who just strafe your burst. And so on and so forth. Arc Cannon gives you area of affect, Grenade Launcher gives you area denial, Rocket Launcher is a mid-rage powerhouse. The only one that isn't strong is the Railgun, which is supposed to be the long-range sniper, but is generally mediocre at everything and needs a buff.

And the situational uses apply to the ordnances and active abilities as well. Do you want area denial, portable cover, or defensive counterplay? Burst, AoE, or DoT?

There's a mode specifically for fighting in Titans. My friends and I play it often because it's where teamwork and communication really shine through, as flanking and defensive lines are really important. In most other gametypes you optimize your Titan-loadout for solo combat since there's no guarantee your teammates will have their Titans the same time as you, but when everyone is guaranteed to have theirs all at once, you can start specializing and experimenting with team comps. Things like sending a defensive Titan up front with a Vortex Shield and regen perks while everyone takes shots from the back, or having two speed Titans flank from opposite sides  and pop smoke to disrupt the enemy line while someone with a Grenade launcher is raining damage all over them from behind cover.


Can you add me to Dota2? Id: BasketWeavingChampion

I also have Europa Universalis 4 and Crusader Kings 2 if anyone plays those


added to the list
Quote from: basketweaver on July 14, 2014 04:14 AM
Can you add me to Dota2? Id: BasketWeavingChampion



I have a whole bunch of sequels a lot of people play, add SeriousSam shady for more fun


i'm trying to grind my smurfotron, if you receive a random invite from someone who plays dota, thats prob me


why do we not have a warframe section?!


i don't know anything about warframe. if you play it, tell me what kind of information i should put in the op.


does anyone here play payday 2 (the half finished game)


<+fawx> im trying to animate a dick coming out of a toaster how do i go on about doing this
<~rtil> well fawx what you would do is delete the fla and do something productive instead

<+ansel> i lure children into my van with candy and then i read them passages from 'the origin of species'
<%ropesnake> billy con ends with billy raping his cat
<+billymonks> FUCK YOU BUG

<~rtil> ya one time i gave this hobo some cat food and he ate it like the animal he is it pleased me


i have it but i'm terrible at it
