Started by ZekeySpaceyLizard, December 4, 2015 03:56 AM

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Hi I'm Zekey of Zekey's Animation Emporium.

You may know me from such classics as "BUMSEX BUMSEX BUMSEX" and "Vote 5 for Mario".

Or you may know me from my more recent works such as "Rejected Hellmann's Mayonnaise Advert" and "Streets of Cage".
Due to changes in the economy and impending financial ruin, I am liquidating everything I ever gave a rats ass about, and I am passing the savings down to yyyyoooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're starting off with a bang during this clearance sale with a legendary piece known as Polypeptide.
All previous fans of Zekey may know this cartoon as the fabled animated film he started way back in 2007.
Clips of it can be seen in both demo reels!

We also have pieces of it on rtil's server! Jinkies!

Here's a quick preview of what to expect:

Wow! How marvelous! Why the animation is so good it might even give Johnny Test a run for its money! Is it even possible to watch such choppy tweens and stuttered traditional animation without your jaw simply dropping to the floor? The question is rhetorical, friends.

It is not!!!!

But once you get your jaws attached back to your skulls, I will be proud to inform you that Polypeptide is for sale!!!
Are they attached yet?
Yes. Good.
It's for sale!!!!!!!!!

You, yes YOU, can buy and own POLYPEPTIDE and the rights to all the characters and art within it.

What does this earn you?
- polypep is now yours to do with as you please
- you may edit it or upload it or even finish it, as it is woefully incomplete
- you may market it or make money from it however you wish
- you may alter the animation and events within to your hearts content

What do you NOT get?
- the music within the short is affiliated with Red Mongoose and Mentally Detached
- you do not get the rights to the music
- the music is owned by them
- you also cant get the tshirts from the old zazzle account
- mainly because i dont know how to do that
- nobody buys those anyway

Overall it's a pretty sweet deal!
If you have disposable income and want to own a relic of internet animation, now is the time to do it.
Please post your offer IN THIS THREAD.

Offers sent via private message will not be read.
The highest offer will win the rights to the film and we can discuss it via email or skype or steam or through native american smoke signals if that makes you happy.

I would ask there to be no non-serious responses in the thread but I know asking for such things here is folly.

Thank you for visiting Zekey's Emporium of Total Cartoon Madness!
If this Polypeptide sells well I will probably start selling other things.
Like old star syndicate daily toons and such.

Rtil if you feel this thread shouldnt be in general chat, please move it where you feel it belongs!
(please not the funhouse).


Why is every post you make flawless


i will give you 10 pizza points

"He was shown the smallness and tinsel emptiness of the little Earth gods, with their petty, human interests and connections - their hatreds, rages, loves and vanities; their craving for praise and sacrifice and their demands for faiths contrary to reason and nature."

"...it stimulates the part of the brain called "shatners-bassoon", and that's the bit of the brain that deals with...time perception..."


Quote from: ZekeySpaceyLizard on December  4, 2015 03:56 AM

u mean with the dancing fatbadger and jap music? that was fuckin great man i will never forget it as long i live
▬ஜ۩☆۩ஜ▬ ---★☆★☆★ DONALD TRUMP 2016 ★☆★☆★--- ▬ஜ۩☆۩ஜ▬


And just in case anyone thinks this is not legit and is some sort of scam or I've been hacked or something similar:

If you are reading my tumblr blog and see this post and follow it here and see this post, you know now this is a real thing.
So please consider looking into this and purchasing it if you want a WHOLE FILM that you can DO absolutely ANYTHING you WANT with.


We've got it all at zekeys animation emporium


These are great! I've only seen clips on your demo reel and it's nice of me to see slighty bigger clips.

I bid $150 real crispy American dollars ($235.38 AUD) and I hope I'm not too late for this.