Post Yourself pt. IX

Started by billy, February 16, 2011 06:07 PM

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I'm a real party animal

also Wac has a pedo smile
<@salutations> i just ate 5 guys for the first time
<@salutations> my heart kinda hurts
<Ry99an> you mean
<Ry99an> their dicks?

<@Ashington> also only ops and vocaloids can grab my many boners
* Ashington sets mode: +o CVG
<@CVG> :D

<aether> how do you turn the drew pickles theme off of your profile
<aether> actually how do you just turn it off its on my forum view too ffff

Waldemar Schuur: isnt it kind of ironic
Waldemar Schuur: looking for waldo on google

Sinitron: Hey do you like porn? I like porn! Lets watch porn together! I'm a faggot!


<@reptilicus> am I in backwards land?
<@reptilicus> if i go to the toilet will poop go up into my rectum


so what's the deal with meatboy anyway aside from it being a shitty game and dan paladin being a faggot


lmao wac

ps dan didnt do meatboy it was like edmund or w/e



Quote from: nonzopnice map of middle earth you fucking nerd
its my girlfriends >.>


Whats with the Meat Boy hate? To hard for all you fags that didn't grow up in the golden age of games that didn't hold your hand and kiss your ass the whole way through?


i never played meatboy (just the flash version which was fun) but that t-shirt sure is horrendous

you know wac a nice checkered shirt + plain black/white t-shirt underneath is very very cheap and looks very stylish!!!!!! FASHION ADVICE


I love my shirt and SMB is an amazing game.


I like wearing t-shirts and I don't care about looking super stylish. I dress how I want.


Quote from: GerkinmanWhats with the Meat Boy hate? To hard for all you fags that didn't grow up in the golden age of games that didn't hold your hand and kiss your ass the whole way through?
hard =/= good

the flash version of meat boy was cool, so i got the full-blown game

it was riddled with bugs, crappy response times, and generally not well-spent money

also the creators pretty much said that if you don't play with an xbox controller, you shouldn't play it at all, but it's not like the game included 'the only good controller on the market'

it sucks shit, because it's not challenging; it's frustrating

you're forced to do the same shit over and over in a crappy port which is inferior to the original flash version because the developers are fucking shit


lets talk about a better conversion and preferably in another thread
[12:59 AM] elm: yea honestly if you dont want to cum on elmer fudds bald head whats wrong with you
[07:49.46] <+slack> cum erupts from the dick at an alarming rate
[07:49.59] <+slack> it will blast off and slap the wall at like 40 mph


super meat boy is great and anyone who disagrees is a poop


Quote from: W.A.C.Kitty!


cats are GAY dogs rule the night


Quotecrappy response times
Are you sure that it isn't just that your brain cant keep up with whats going on?  


Quote from: Gerkinman
Quotecrappy response times
Are you sure that it isn't just that your brain cant keep up with whats going on?  
Considering how there was no such problem with the flash version, yes, I am pretty sure I am fully capable of keeping up with the action.


Quote from: rtilthat shirt


<+edillyward> "Grabbed a whole bottle of naked guy in the trash cans" B)
<@sevv> rocket power is by far the best anime
"@Y3LL0WN1NJA they convert the electrical waves given off from earth, and convert them into sound waves, you gay animated dinosaur"
red: am I seriously the only person left online that is willing to argue with some idiot on a messageboard?
<+lenks> um i know that i try to get by with a lethal dick on my face but u always have 2 bring it up
SHADOWFOX2: I'm not sure if you've ever heard of the website: The Backalleys before
<+bd648> why are there no mario survival horror games.


wac get a hair stylist seriously

or just don\\\'t part it down the middle

at the very least


Quote from: Billywac get a hair stylist seriously

or just don't part it down the middle

at the very least

Im pretty sure if he got a hair stylist and wore something that wasnt an extremely creepy/poorly designed tshirt, he might look a little presentable in the real world


if he has to wear that shirt and show it off, at least wear a zip-up hoodie or something or not sweat pants

or not blue sweat pants

maybe some black sweat pants

i\\\'m tryin to work with you here wac
