Music Recomendations

Started by Dr. DiegO, January 23, 2025 05:23 PM

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Dr. DiegO

Alright, lately I'm expanding and organizing my music files on my large drive and I'm in the mood of getting more music and expanding my music hearing.

As a starting point with me: I'm the typical "every genre" with an asterisk (exceptions) but I pick something I listen very frequently might be: Rock and Metal, Rap, Electronica, funk, ska. might sounds like a lot, but again I'm a guy of varied tastes and If it sounds nice or at least is interesting, I'm listening.


U should probably get a lastfm for other ppls listening habits.

I cant think of any recs off the top of my head quick enough to help you at the moment.

But I liked Good Kid And they were on newgrounds for bit; theyre also from Toronto.

I liked "Spirit world field guide" an unhealthy amount I guess

you are a big,big pervert.You have unbridled fantasy!!!