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Messages - W.A.C.

General / The Backalleys Discord Server is down.
December 16, 2023 12:01 AM

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General / Re: Post Yourself pt. IX
October 6, 2023 04:37 AM
A lot happens in seven years.

General / Re: The fitness thread
October 6, 2023 04:34 AM
I was doing good on fitness for over three years, but when I experienced skin lesion issues and a temporary leg injury, it has massively screwed up my fitness goals. I'm also physically exhausted from a part-time job I started in August 2023, which messes with my motivation to workout. So now I'm the most physically out of shape I have been in years. I go more into detail about the skin lesion issues and my unhealthy eating habits in this video.

General / Re: music thread 2.1
December 12, 2019 11:00 AM
General / Re: this place still exists?
December 12, 2019 10:56 AM
Really glad this forum still exists. The vast majority of forums I was active on as a teenager have been deleted off the internet. ;_;
General / Re: we're back baby
November 28, 2019 03:35 AM
I'm glad to be able to use this website again. It's fun re-reading old threads from the late 2000's.
General / Re: buglist/updates thread
March 11, 2016 02:00 PM
Quote from: rtil on March  2, 2016 09:09 PMi'm not sure, i can't replicate the issue. what browser are you using? does it happen with every mp3? it could also be a filename issue.
I'm using Google Chrome and it happens with every mp3 file I attempt to upload regardless of file name.
General / Re: buglist/updates thread
February 26, 2016 03:31 AM
Having issues uploading mp3 files. Whenever I try, now I get "could not open file ___________________.mp3" for the files I attempt to upload. Any idea what might be causing this issue? Any alternative music format worth using as a substitute for when the file dump doesn't want to accept mp3's?
General / Re: music thread 2.1
August 28, 2015 08:50 AM

My musical tastes have gone to shit.
General / Re: the hentai thread
August 28, 2015 08:40 AM
Quote from: rtil on August 28, 2015 08:38 AMalso holy shit it's wac
Sup. I initially planned on waiting until tomorrow so it would be exactly a year since I last posted here, but then I saw that...
General / Re: the hentai thread
August 28, 2015 08:31 AM
Quote from: rtil on May 20, 2015 04:43 AM
Quote from: Stu4U on May 18, 2015 05:17 AM

thanks tumblr

this is how they make the foam for their hot drinks
I clicked on this thread by accident and saw this (among other amusing horrors). I will never look at the Starbucks logo the same way again. Fuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkkk... Also, I think it's hilarious this thread has 905 replies and nearly 40,000 views. You guys must really love your hentai. lol
Entertainment / Re: Freedom Planet
August 29, 2014 10:02 AM
SEGA is fully aware that fans seem much more capable of creating better 2D engines for Sonic, hence why they hired The Taxman, a person who previously worked on ambitious fangame projects to make the mobile versions of Sonic 1, 2, and CD with an engine made from scratch. Stealth, someone who has been the project lead of a rom hack for nearly a decade, was also brought into the development of the mobile versions to Sonic 1 and 2. People thought that rom hack's future was bleak because of his involvement with SEGA, but he recently posted a teaser trailer to show his rom hack is not dead.

Never Cancelled

You can also watch these two older videos that showcased levels not yet playable with released builds.

Sonic Megamix - The NEW Starry Night Zone - Act 1

Sonic Megamix - Revised City Outskirts Zone Preview

Regarding the engine I mentioned earlier in the thread, the Sonic Worlds Delta engine (along with Freedom Planet) were coded with Clickteam Fusion of all programs...but some of the most impressive fangame engines for Sonic are done with Game Maker. Sonic Time Twisted was made in Game Maker and the physics to that game are outstanding. Considering the massive amount of limitations with those programs, it's pitiful Sonic 4: Episode 1's physics are so awful but it shows how much more fans seem to care about quality engines than companies like Dimps or Sonic Team. Yet for whatever fucking reason, the mobile versions of Sonic 1 and 2 with all their enhancements and whatnot seem unlikely to get a console or PC port because SEGA has been managing the sonic franchise poorly lately. Both The Taxman and Stealth recently admitted they aren't even working on a mobile version of S3&K right now entirely because SEGA won't greenlight the idea.
Entertainment / Re: Freedom Planet
August 29, 2014 07:51 AM
The game takes influence from a lot of different game series, but Sonic was easily the biggest influence to this game. For anyone interested in Freedom Planet but aren't quite sure if you want to spend $15 on it, you could always try the demo from their website.

Quote from: rtil on August 26, 2014 10:58 PMyeah when looking at the gameplay i immediately think of sonic, and the combat reminds me of gunstar heroes. the two put together sounds like it could be fun. but i'm not really into platformers anymore.

Funny you mention Gunstar Heroes. An editor at Polygon once said, "If Treasure made a Sonic game, it would probably look a lot like this." Most of the flattering statements about the game compare it to Sonic, including this quote from TotalBiscuit: "I've heard Freedom Planet described as a Sonic clone. I'd call it a worthy Sonic successor, it's that good." But outside of Carol's roll ability, the combat is very different from what people expect out of a Sonic game. Part of why the physics feel so Sonicy is because the game's engine was built off of a Sonic fangame engine, but that's a great thing since the game controls so well.
Entertainment / Freedom Planet
August 26, 2014 02:42 PM
Freedom Planet Official Launch Trailer
Steam Store Page: [LINK]
Humble Store: [LINK] (Search "Freedom Planet")

This game came out over a month ago and I've been following its development for a very long time. I absolutely love the game and it'll probably be my favorite game of the year, yet it's getting so little attention. I highly recommend the game to anyone who is a big fan of fast paced 16bit platformers. The game currently has three playable characters and future characters (with their story modes) will be added in future patches along with additional stuff to improve the game. The biggest complaint against the game seems to be the story, but anyone not interested in the plot can play the game's Classic mode.
Comedy Central should've never censored the episode. It just made the network look like it's run by a bunch of cowards.


Thank you Psi for uploading the clip with the audio uncensored.
Entertainment / Re: the last of us
September 17, 2013 01:40 AM
I finally got around to playing this game late last month. While I appreciate the Jak & Daxter and Uncharted franchises, I always viewed them as very fun but overrated games. I can't say the same for The Last of Us but for reasons that differ from what the OP wrote. I think it's one of the best games I've ever played. Its storytelling in the game industry is second to none and I found the gameplay extremely fun. The only aspect of the gameplay I hated was the wobbly aiming, but you can get rid of the issue with pill upgrades. Would've been nice if the wobbly aiming was never included at all or if the wobbliness wasn't so frustrating in early parts of the game since the first pill upgrade made it nowhere near as bad. While I've barely touched the multiplayer because I find the single player campaign and New Game+ so much fun, the little I played of it was very enjoyable and I can see myself getting very into it in the future.
So it's been less than four months since Random Access Memories came out and I'm surprised they released a music video for Lose Yourself to Dance.

Daft Punk - Lose Yourself to Dance (Official Version)

Too bad they never made a music video for their song Get Lucky, but some of their past music videos were a lot more creative so w/e. Also, I never got around to giving an in-depth opinion of their 4th album. Since I bumped this thread because of the new music video, I suppose I should do that soon. In the mean time, I'll just say that I love every song on the album and view it as the greatest album I've heard that has come out in the last 25 years. I had very high expectations for the album and I'm amazed it made those expectations. Hell, if anything, I'd say it surpassed my expectations. It's an amazing album. Never got around to buying it because my financial situation is so bad though. :/
General / Re: Post Yourself pt. IX
September 13, 2013 02:00 AM
Quote from: ExBerian on August  9, 2013 08:27 PMDid you have to do it on film for your class?
Yep, it was taken with a film camera.

Quote from: zhicago on August 16, 2013 08:28 PMseriously cracking up at wacs post

Quote from: shura on August 20, 2013 09:30 PMwac's post actually made my fucking week

General / Re: Post Yourself pt. IX
August 4, 2013 09:22 PM
This is a self portrait I took for my Basic Photography class in my Spring 2013 semester.

Entertainment / Re: Yeezus leaked
June 25, 2013 02:07 AM
...I'm not even a fan of anime.